Jefferson Energy Cooperative’s (JEC) mission is to safely deliver reliable and competitively priced electricity to our members. JEC’s right-of-way maintenance program plays a vital role in helping JEC fulfill this mission. Our ROW management team is led by a certified arborist. JEC contracts with professional tree trimmers, herbicide applicators as well as pole and pad-mounted equipment inspection specialists. For any right-of-way concerns or questions, please contact our JEC office at (706) 547-2167 and you will be directed to the appropriate JEC personnel.
JEC must maintain power line right-of-ways to provide safe reliable service. Failure to maintain our right-of-ways will dramatically increase the number and duration of outages. In addition, vegetation contacting a power line poses a potentially hazardous risk to the public. Right-of-way easements are a minimum of 30-feet wide, 15 feet on each side of the overhead power lines. JEC maintains more than 3,500 miles of overhead primary lines throughout our service area. Our trimming cycle program is completed every 6 years.
When planting trees, avoid the potential for future conflict with overhead power lines by checking the mature size of the tree you are considering planting. By planting trees and shrubs at least 25 feet from the power line, you can help us hold costs down and increase your power reliability. Never plant trees under or near overhead power lines. Never attempt to trim vegetation growing on or near overhead power lines. Call JEC at (706) 547-2167 if you have any concerns about any vegetation that is within the power line right-of-way. As a guide, refer to the illustration on the “Right-of-Way Trimming” tab.
Just as our overhead lines need clearance, so do our underground pad-mounted transformers and equipment. Keep shrubs at least 10 feet from the front of pad-mounted equipment (all sides with doors) and 3 feet minimum from all other sides. Planting shrubs or trees near pad-mounted equipment, hampers JEC personnel’s ability to perform maintenance as well as restore power during outage events. This increases outage restoration times and maintenance cost. Be safe, plant outside the clear zone.
JEC utilizes an herbicide spray program which is applied the following year after the trim cycle has been completed. The goal is to eliminate all woody plants within the existing right-of-way. This is accomplished through a backpack spraying method by authorized professional contractors who target small trees and other woody plants. The herbicides meet all state and federal requirements approved by the EPA and are specifically designed to target only the plants we want to control. If you have a health concern about herbicide spraying, please contact JECs office at (706) 547-2167 and each case will be evaluated independently.