Operation Round Up is an innovative program that provides funding for worthy projects in our community.  Through Operation Round Up, Jefferson Energy Cooperative Foundation helps provide a better life for people in our community.

How Does It Work?

Jefferson Energy Cooperative’s electric bills are automatically “rounded-up” to the nearest dollar for participating members.  For example, if your electric bill is $92.71, you will pay $93.00.  The additional 29¢ will go directly to Jefferson Energy Cooperative Foundation.  The average participating Member contributes about $6.00 a year. “It’s small change that changes lives.”

What are the Benefits of Operation Round Up?

These funds can be used to purchase emergency medical equipment, help with school projects and educational needs, provide hot meals to the elderly and needy, buy equipment for police and fire departments, and to help with many more needs in our community.  Contributions to Jefferson Energy Cooperative Foundation through Operation Round Up are tax deductible.  An annual summary of your contributions are on your January and February electric bills.

Who is Responsible for the Operation Round Up Funds?

Jefferson Energy Cooperative Foundation, Inc. is a nonprofit organization chartered by the State of Georgia.  It has a nine member Board of Directors who volunteer their time to review grant applications.  The Foundation Board meets at least quarterly to evaluate applications and award assistance to worthwhile organizations in our community.  Any administrative costs are absorbed by Jefferson Energy Cooperative.  Rest assured that 100% of funds donated to the Foundation through Operation Round Up are used to make life better for people in our community.

How Do I Join?

Members of Jefferson Energy Cooperative are automatically included in Operation Round Up.  If you decide not to participate or if you choose to discontinue your contribution at any time, simply contact a Member Service Representation at Jefferson Energy Cooperative by calling 1-877-Jefferson.

For more information about Operation Round Up or Jefferson Energy Cooperative Foundation, contact 706-547-5055.